
Acupuncture is used to stimulate your internal chemical communicators. There's an up regulation of your immune system, chemokines, interleukins, cytokines, red blood cells, and neurotransmitters that work together to balance your physiology. Acupuncture uses your own bodies innate healing abilities to self correct. Acupuncture just gives a nudge to your system.

My goal is to empower my patients with an understanding of their bodies and health. By doing so, they will have the power to choose the treatments and products that fit their lifestyle and needs.

Being a working woman, I know the importance of maintaining peak health in order to show up in your life, both personally and professionally. My aim is to help you enhance your overall health and maximize your vitality and energy.

As a patient, you will receive comprehensive care through acupuncture, Chinese medicine, herbal remedies, nutritional advice and high quality supplements, all in a relaxed setting that feels like home. My practice is founded in the traditions of Chinese Medicine with respect to the needs of modern patients. I believe that integrating Eastern and Western medicine provides effective, comprehensive solutions.

I will always be honest with my patients, tailoring each treatment or program to your exact needs and budget. I put education in the forefront and ensure you have the knowledge you need before making any decisions.

My goal is to empower my patients with an understanding of their bodies and health. By doing so, ... Read More

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Located at: 751 Nicole St, Helena
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